Nominations are open for Accredited Netball Coaches, Team Managers, Statisticians and Umpires for the West Coast Men’s and Mixed (Thunder) State Teams competing Australian Men's & Mixed National Championships in 2022.

All of the details for the State Program, including key dates, associated costs and other relevant information is listed below. We encourage anyone interested to apply and/or contact with us at ( for more information.
AMMNA Championships:
When: Friday 15th of April - Sunday 24th of April 2022
Where: Adelaide, South Australia
Who: Coaches (Lead, Assistant & Apprentice), Team Managers & Statisticians.
West Coast Thunder Program:
What: Calendar and final details to be finalised, however likely to be 2 x sessions per week between late November 2021 and Easter 2022
Cost: Approx. $1,000
All: Working with Children Card (current)
Coaches: Minimum development level accreditation (current)
Team Managers: Previous demonstration of experience managing teams in a professional environment, and strong communication skills
Documents Required:
Coaching/Staff resume (outlining relevant experience, success and positions)
Working with Children Card
Uniform sizing
Name & contact information of 2 references
Please get in touch and/or apply via the survey here!