We are excited to have launched our new website! One positive side of this COVID-19 situation is that we get to work on those tasks that we had either put to one side, or just didn't have time to complete. (This one has been in the works for some time). Hopefully you all enjoy the new design, peruse and learn a bit about each of our athletes, staff and most importantly sponsors. Once you have had a look we encourage your feedback, anything additions or changes you feel would improve the user experience! We are bitterly disappointed to not be in Adelaide right now competing - but some exciting news coming your way about our 2021 campaign, so watch this space! We are looking for some members, supporters or wider "Thunder family" to help with both keeping the website up-to-date as well as help with writing some blogs for us across both our "in" and "off" season. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please click the button below and flick me an email .
Current athletes, please create an account and log-in so we can add you to the appropriate groups!
Stay safe!